The director of this Nepali funny comedy video was Deviram Parajuli and Niraj Nepal. This video is related to entertainment and joy. As we all know, laughing is the best medicine. Laughing is good for your health. Smiling is such powerful thing which can reduce stress, pain and conflict. When we start to laugh it not only shared our feelings but it also connects people together and makes people happiness. Laughing reduce your pain, strengthen our immune system relaxes your body. Laughing with others is more powerful than laughing alone. You can laugh by viewing this video. When you laugh one time at a day by producing big sound it makes your mind fresh and you will be healthier.
cricket मन पर्छ भने यो हेर्नु ...अजै सम्मको खतरा खेल
Published on Apr 18, 2016
Australia vs South Africa
OMG हेनुहोस् यस्तो डरलाग्दो दुर्घना हुदा हुदै खिचिएको लाइभ भिडियो हेर्नुहोस ==>
The mountains and glaciers around me are cloaked in darkness. I’m in a small boat cruising a remote fjord of the Svalbard archipelago, halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole, following a motorized kayak as it putts back and forth across the choppy water. Through the blackness, I can just barely see the kayak, called a Jetyak, as it occasionally rams into ice along its pre-programmed course. This is the second time the Jetyak laden with high-tech gear has been dispatched to collect information about the tiny organisms living in the frigid water, and it’s about to yield some remarkable data for the scientists with me on this boat. Since 2012, the biologists Jørgen Berge of the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and Geir Johnsen of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) have made regular trips aboard the research vessel Helmer Hanssen to explore the marine life that survives in the dead of the polar night, the darkness that envelops the Arctic from November to February. Berge is the leader of the research team, which also includes scientists from the U.S. and the U.K.; Johnsen is in charge of submersibles and other equipment. - See more at: http://www.kantipur-
विश्वका टप १० धनि देशहरु कुन कुन हुन् तपाई लाइ थाहा छ ? छैन भने हेर्नुहोस यो भिडियो यहाँ १० धनि देशको नाम र के कारण ति देश धनि बने त्यो थाहा पाउनुहोस् | भिडियो सहित
With a GDP every capita of $145,894, Qatar will without a doubt beat this main ten rundown of wealthiest nations on the planet. It has a great deal of common oil and petroleum stores, and a large portion of its salary is reliant on these products. It, likewise has an extremely decently differentiated economy with a percentage of the best financial divisions being the pearl mining division and additionally the transportation business, all the more particularly the air transportation part. To build its natives’ existing models, the decision imperial family has set a system on no assessment for the individuals’ salary. It has open exchanging strategies with the world’s biggest economy, the United States, an extremely noteworthy variable motel their riches.
महिला दिदि बहिनीले अवस्य हेर्नुहोला यो भिडियो , तपाईहरुको लागि एकदम काम लाग्ने छ भिडियो सहित
ल हेर्नुहोस कस्तो अच्चमको खेल फेरी यस्तो खेल खेल्न पनि कति लाज चाही नमान्ने है यिनीहरु ? भिडियो हेर्नुहोस तपाई पनि यो खेल हेरे पछि अचम्म पर्नु हुन्छ | भिडियो सहित
पशुपती शर्मा र मन्जु पौडेलले मच्चाए धमका हेर्नुहोस भिडियो र सेयर गर्न नभुल्नु होला !>>>>>भिडियो >>>>
Pashupati Sharma is not an unknown name for people who are familiar with contemporary Nepali folk music, for he has provided dohori lovers .Sharma has been singing dohori ever since he can remember—the genre being the most loved art form of the place. In 2002, Sharma’s parents sent him to Kathmandu to become an engineer, but he secretly started performing duets in a bar called Saptakoshi Dohori Sanjh located in Chabahil instead. Later, he started taking part in live dohori competitions, in which he often landed in the top positions.Sharma’s most loved song, Malai America Yahi, featuring Sita KC, was written when he was in Qatar for a musical programme. After he witnessed Nepali labourers working for significantly low wages and in extreme conditions, he wanted to do his share in minimising the exodus of capable manpower from Nepal. In the song, Sharma talks about his fondness for native practices and about the importance of little things that lead to living a content life. Making use of a simple and catchy music structure, the song praises the agricultural prospects in Nepal, and hence comes out as a request to Nepalis to not underestimate the opportunities inside one’s own country. The singer uses mockery as a weapon in this song as well.
“We Nepalis are not eager listeners of words. We like to remain on the surface and do not care to understand what is being said. Preaching is no good while reaching out to such an audience, which is why I have opted for humour. I try to suggest an idea whilst keeping them entertained,” he says.Sharma’s latest hit, Dhaad Dukhera Maryo, ridicules people’s dissatisfaction towards their occupation. People often complain how hard their work is and keep wishing to do something else—they try to find an easier way out. Some of us want to spend our life doing nothing, but that too has dire consequences. The song is a reminder of the ever-so-unsatisfactory nature of human beings.
ऋण तिर्न नसकेपछि १२ बर्षकी आफ्नै छोरीको कुमारीत्व बेचीन् निर्दयी आमाले हेर्नुहोस भिडियो =>
A teenager in Cambodia whose virginity was sold to a man when she was a kid has revealed the horrors of the sex trade in her country. Dara Keo, now seventeen, told Marie Claire that she was just twelve years when her mother Rotana, 62, sold her to a wealthy, powerful man, since she was desperate to repay a gambling debt acquired by her late husband.She was forced to give into their demands after her husband’s creditors threatened violence when she could not pay. Her earnings were a meager $1 a day at the time.What followed was indescribable but in no way out of the ordinary in Cambodia, where ancient belief taken from Taoist cultural dictates that a prolonged lifespan can be achieved through sex with virgins.The man who bought Keo was a famous politician in Cambodia, though Keo and her mother declined to make his name public. For one week, she was kept in a hotel room and would visit her twice of thrice a day.Desperate for money, Vannith sold the virginity of her own daughter Chamnan Sok when the girl was just eighteen, and she saw at least fifty young females working at the beer garden give in to the same fate.In spite of the trauma, these young girls certainly went through; they do not show any outward bitterness towards their mothers. Keo says that she only felt sad regarding what happened to her. -
यदि आमा लाइ मायाँ गर्नु हुन्छ भने यो भिडियो अवस्य हेर्नुहोस र भुलेर पनि यस्तो अवस्थामा चाही कहिले नपुर्याउनु होला हेर्नुहोस र अवस्य SHARE गर्नुहोला | भिडियो सहित
Mothers are women who inhabit or perform the role of bearing some relation to their children, who may or may not be their biological offspring. Thus, dependent on the context, women can be considered mothers by virtue of having given birth, by raising their child(ren), supplying their ovum for fertilization, or some combination thereof. Such conditions provide a way of delineating the concept of motherhood, or the state of being a mother. Women who meet the third and first categories usually fall under the terms ‘birth mother’ or ‘biological mother’, regardless of whether the individual in question goes on to parent their child. Accordingly, a woman who meets only the second condition may be considered an adoptive mother, and those who meet only the third a surrogacy mother. -
श्रीमान बाहिर मरीमरी दुख गरेर पैसा कमाउने श्रीमती घरमा अर्कै केटासंग यस्तो मोजमस्ती गर्ने , हेर्नुहोस श्रीमान घर आउदा यसरि भेटे रंगेहात | भिडियो सहित
The musical traditions of Nepal are as diverse as the various ethnic groups of the country. The most complex musical culture in the Himalayas is that of the “Newars“ in the Kathmandu valley and the “Damai” in the other part of Nepal, which in the course of the past 2000 years has absorbed mostly Indian influences in shaping a unique musical tradition. In Nepal music has been flourished by mainly these two groups of people. Newar’s culture flourished during the late Malla dynasty from the 15th century up to the 18th century. The Malla kings of Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur were devoted patrons of the arts and competed with one another in the beautification and cultural achievements of their kingdoms. Many of these Malla kings themselves excelled as musicians, dancers, poets and town planners. The Newars live in a Buddhist-Hindu area where the two religions coexist along with a strong influence of Tantric practices and local traditional cults. In the complex Newar caste system both Hindus and Buddhists have found their place. Many of these castes perform their own characteristic musical repertory and ritual duties during festivals and processions. Newar music and dance are always related to ritual and locality. A portion of Newar music is secretly performed during esoteric rites. Bhaktapur, a Newar farmers’ town at the eastern part of the Kathmandu valley has been able so far to preserve its traditional heritage. In 1989 there were still more than 200 music and dance groups performing regularly. With the influx of tourism and western and far eastern technologies this picture changes rapidly. It is conceivable that these living cultural treasures may vanish within one generation. For the future there needs to be an effective method for the preservation of traditional music and dance. The other group that has historic touch with Nepalese music is “Damai”. From the prospects of indigenous Nepalese rituals, culture and musical anthropology, the linkage of traditional musicians seems to be tied with the invention of “DAMAHA” (a flat drum generally structured by wood or metal and sometime even by roasted soil especially in “TABLA”, another type of flat twin being used in Nepalese music.) In Nepalese society, special group plays musical instruments in ceremonies, occasions, etc. to perform the rituals and tradition. These traditional musicians are known as “DUM” as well as “DAMAI”. The Nepalese cultural way of perceiving things and words and explaining and naming them, the word “Dum” seems to be derived symbolically after the sound of the traditional Nepali musical instrument “DAMAHA” in the sense that if we listen to the beat of the “DAMAHA” the sound produce is more or less like “DUM”. Similarly, the other word “DAMAI” denotes the functional linkage between “DAMAHA” and the person who plays it. The word “DAMAHA” is originated from “SANSKRIT” language. In “SANSKRIT” the person who plays “DAMAHA” is called “YAHA DAMAHA BADYATE”. As per the traditional way of synthesizing the long sentences in Nepalese society the above three worded SANSKRIT sentence seems to be synthesized and joined as “DAMA+YAHA” to indicate the drummer and thus this word might have been converted as “DAMAI” in Nepali language. The early “DAMAIS” later invented another traditional instrument like “sahanai”. “DAMAIS” have been playing these musical instruments like sahanai for the generations in special MUHURATAS (time) of special sacred ritual ceremonies like “BRATABANDHA”(a Vedic Brahmanic ritual). Still today we can see “Damais” playing musical instruments like “damaha”, “sahanai”, “tanpura”, “panche baja”, “narsingha” etc. in special occasions like marriage ceremony, bratabandha, festivals, etc. Nepalese musical instruments have great importance in Nepalese culture and society. Nepalese musical instruments are played in special ceremony like wedding, bratabandha (a Vedic Brahmanic ritual), and welcome ceremony and in any other ceremony or festivals. Different musical instruments are found in Nepal. Most of them are produced in Nepal. Musical instruments like “madal”(Two sided drum), ” sarangi” “damphu”, “damaru”, “basuri” (Flute), “sarangi”, “pancha Baja”, “ghunguru” (Ankle Bells), etc. There are several Nepali instruments, which are unheard, untouched and unexplored and Sarangi is one among them. sarangi musical instrument is played by sarangi. Nepalese musical instruments are enjoyed by all the Nepalese people especially on the occasions, festivals, or any other ceremonies. -
भावि प्रधानमन्त्री भनिएका शेरबहादुरलाई जेल हाल्ने प्रचण्डको यस्तो घोषणा – - See more at:
ghghgकाठमाडौं । एकीकृत माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्ड यतीबेला तनावमा छन् । एमाओवादीका नेताहरुलाई द्धन्द्धकालीन मुद्दाका आधारमा धमाधम पक्राउ गर्ने तयारी भएको भन्दै उनले यसमा आपत्ती समेत जनाउदै आएका छन् ।
उनले द्धन्द्धकालीन मुद्दाहरु सत्न निरुपण तथा मेलमिलाप आयोग मार्फत हल गर्नुपर्ने बताउँदै आएका छन् । अझ उनले द्धन्द्धकालीन समयमा भउका सबै घटना आफ्नो निर्देशनमा भएकाले ती सबै घटनाको दोष आफुलाई लगाउन र सबै घटनामो जिम्मेवारी लिन आफु तयार रहेको समेत बताउदै आएका छन् ।
सर्बोच्च अदालतले निरन्तर रुपमा द्धन्द्धकालीन घटनाहरको फैसला गर्दै राजनीतिक नेताहरुमाथि नै दोष लगाउन थालेको र आफ्ना पार्टीका नेताहरु फस्न लागेको भन्दै त्यउसको बचाउका लागि प्रचण्ड लागिपरेका छन् ।
द्वन्द्वकालमा भएका मानवअधिकार उल्लंघनका घटना सत्य निरुपण तथा मेलमिलाप आयोगले छानबिन गर्ने भएकाले उजुरी दिन पनि उनले पीडितहरुलाई आग्रह गरिरहेका छन् ।
प्रचण्डले आगोग भन्दा बाहीरबाट समस्या केलाउन थालीए यसले भयावह रुप लिने समेत चेतावनी दिएका छन् । उनले तत्कालीन प्रधानमन्त्री शेरबहादुर देउवाले आफुहरुलाई आतंककारी घोषणा गरेको, उक्त अवधिमा मारिएका करिव १७ हजार मध्ये १२ हजार राज्यपक्षबाटै मारिएको भन्दै सबैको एक एक छानबीन गरिए सबैभन्दा पहिले शेरबहादुर देउवा नै जेल जाने घोषणा समेत प्रचण्डले गरेका छन् ।
आफुहरु सरोकारवाला पक्ष भएकाले यो विषय उठाएकाले माओवादी आत्तएिको नभै जिम्मेवारी बोध गरेको उल्लेख गर्दै प्रचण्डले यस्ता विषयलाई अनावश्यक उचालिए कांग्रेस र एमालेलाई नै घाटा लाग्ने बताएका छन् ।
उनले द्धन्द्धकालमा सेनाले सयौं निदोष महिलामाथि बलात्कार लगायत शोषण गरेको बताउँदै आफुहरुले त्यस्तो गरेको भए देखाउन पनि चुनौति दिए । उनले सल्य निरुपण तथा मेलमिलाप आयोगलाई निर्वाध रुपमा काम गर्न दिनसकीए सबैले न्याय पाउने पनि बताए । साभार नेपाल संदेश बाट -
उनले द्धन्द्धकालीन मुद्दाहरु सत्न निरुपण तथा मेलमिलाप आयोग मार्फत हल गर्नुपर्ने बताउँदै आएका छन् । अझ उनले द्धन्द्धकालीन समयमा भउका सबै घटना आफ्नो निर्देशनमा भएकाले ती सबै घटनाको दोष आफुलाई लगाउन र सबै घटनामो जिम्मेवारी लिन आफु तयार रहेको समेत बताउदै आएका छन् ।
सर्बोच्च अदालतले निरन्तर रुपमा द्धन्द्धकालीन घटनाहरको फैसला गर्दै राजनीतिक नेताहरुमाथि नै दोष लगाउन थालेको र आफ्ना पार्टीका नेताहरु फस्न लागेको भन्दै त्यउसको बचाउका लागि प्रचण्ड लागिपरेका छन् ।
द्वन्द्वकालमा भएका मानवअधिकार उल्लंघनका घटना सत्य निरुपण तथा मेलमिलाप आयोगले छानबिन गर्ने भएकाले उजुरी दिन पनि उनले पीडितहरुलाई आग्रह गरिरहेका छन् ।
प्रचण्डले आगोग भन्दा बाहीरबाट समस्या केलाउन थालीए यसले भयावह रुप लिने समेत चेतावनी दिएका छन् । उनले तत्कालीन प्रधानमन्त्री शेरबहादुर देउवाले आफुहरुलाई आतंककारी घोषणा गरेको, उक्त अवधिमा मारिएका करिव १७ हजार मध्ये १२ हजार राज्यपक्षबाटै मारिएको भन्दै सबैको एक एक छानबीन गरिए सबैभन्दा पहिले शेरबहादुर देउवा नै जेल जाने घोषणा समेत प्रचण्डले गरेका छन् ।
आफुहरु सरोकारवाला पक्ष भएकाले यो विषय उठाएकाले माओवादी आत्तएिको नभै जिम्मेवारी बोध गरेको उल्लेख गर्दै प्रचण्डले यस्ता विषयलाई अनावश्यक उचालिए कांग्रेस र एमालेलाई नै घाटा लाग्ने बताएका छन् ।
उनले द्धन्द्धकालमा सेनाले सयौं निदोष महिलामाथि बलात्कार लगायत शोषण गरेको बताउँदै आफुहरुले त्यस्तो गरेको भए देखाउन पनि चुनौति दिए । उनले सल्य निरुपण तथा मेलमिलाप आयोगलाई निर्वाध रुपमा काम गर्न दिनसकीए सबैले न्याय पाउने पनि बताए । साभार नेपाल संदेश बाट -
जिप दुर्घटनामा परी दुई जनाको घटनास्थलमै मृत्यु, नौ घाइते - See more at:
ghghgप्यूठान, मच्छीमा भएको आज अपराह्न भएको जिप दुर्घटनामा परी दुई जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ । बागदुलाबाट खुङ जाँदै गरेको जिप ओखरकोट–६ लामासेरामा दुर्घटना हुँदा घटनास्थलमै दुई जनाको मृत्यु भएको प्रहरी नायब उपरीक्षक रञ्जीतसिंह राठोरले जानकारी दिनुभयो । मृत्यु हुनेमा खुङ–७ का ४५ वर्षीय जनक जिसी र ४६ वर्षीय जगत जिसी रहेको प्रजिअ रामबहादुर कुरुङवाङले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।
दुर्घटनामा परी नौ जना घाइते भएको र उनीहरुलाई उपचारका लागि जिल्ला अस्पताल पठाइएको स्थानीय शिक्षक नारायण जिसीले बताउनुभयो ।
चालकको अनुभवको कमी र दुर्घटनास्थल उकालो भएकाले दुर्घटना भएको अनुमान गरिएको छ । रासस -
दुर्घटनामा परी नौ जना घाइते भएको र उनीहरुलाई उपचारका लागि जिल्ला अस्पताल पठाइएको स्थानीय शिक्षक नारायण जिसीले बताउनुभयो ।
चालकको अनुभवको कमी र दुर्घटनास्थल उकालो भएकाले दुर्घटना भएको अनुमान गरिएको छ । रासस -
पृथ्वीमा अबको पुस्ता यस्तो हुने छ जसलाई हेर्नुभयो भने तपाई छक्क पर्नु हुनेछ | पत्याउने या न पत्याउने??? भिडियोमा हेर्नुहोस -
new version of Atlas, designed to operate outdoors and inside buildings. It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated. It uses sensors in its body and legs to balance and LIDAR and stereo sensors in its head to avoid obstacles, assess the terrain and help with navigation. This version of Atlas is about 5′ 9″ tall (about a head shorter than the DRC Atlas) and weighs 180 lbs. The badass humanoid robot. And it’s pretty incredible. The most striking thing about this new version is the amazing balance Atlas achieves. I’ve never seen a humanoid robot with this kind of agility.Watch the Next Generation Atlas Robot Get Bullied By A Mean Human (And Stay On His Feet)The latest version of ATLAS picking up 10 pound boxes and placing them on a shelf (Boston Dynamics) This version of Atlas can not only walk over rough terrain, but he can squat and pick up boxes. You can even push Atlas violently with a hockey stick and he’ll maintain his balance. And his most incredible accomplishment? He can stand up after falling down.When I was in Pomona, California for the DARPA Robotics Challenge this past summer one of the most difficult things that all the competing teams faced was simply keeping their robots upright. Remember all those funny gifs or robots awkwardly falling down? They couldn’t pick themselves back up. Watch the Next Generation Atlas Robot Get Bullied By A Mean Human (And Stay On His Feet)An ATLAS robot falling down at the 2015 DARPA Robotics ChallengeMany teams used the Atlas body with their own software and alterations and whenever an Atlas version fell over, the team would have to reset and start the robot from the beginning of the course. - See more at:
श्रीमतीले जबजस्ती गरेपछि विदेश जान ठिक्क परेका यी युवाले घरमै गाई बाख्रा पाल्छु भन्दै गाउँमै बसे - भिडियो हेर्नुस
New Nepali Comedy Video Song "Thukchan Sarale" by Purushottam Poudel / Rima Gaha Magar official Music Video.
Song Title: "Thukchan Sarale"
Singer – Purushottam Poudel / Rima Gaha Magar
Lyrics – Nabin Bista
Music – Rima Gaha Magar
Artist – Shiva Poudel / Kriti Adhikari
Director – Kapil Lama
A World of Nepali Music & Entertainment
Keep Loving Nepali Music and Movies!!!!
Song Title: "Thukchan Sarale"
Singer – Purushottam Poudel / Rima Gaha Magar
Lyrics – Nabin Bista
Music – Rima Gaha Magar
Artist – Shiva Poudel / Kriti Adhikari
Director – Kapil Lama
A World of Nepali Music & Entertainment
Keep Loving Nepali Music and Movies!!!!
धर्तीमा टान्डप नृत्य चल्दा चिचाहटसंगै आशा र भरोषाको होस गुमाएको त्यो वैशाख १२ गतेलाई सम्झदाँ -भिडियो हेर्नुस
प्रत्येक १०/१२ वर्षमा महाभूकम्पको धक्का महसुस गरिरहने चिलीको भौतिक संरचना कस्तो छ? तस्बिर सहित - See more at:
ghghgभूकम्पसंग जुध्दै विकास र प्रगति गर्न कसरी सकिन्छ भन्ने बारे दक्षिण अमेरिकी देश चिलीको पाठ नेपाललाई मननीय हुनसक्छ।
पछिल्ला वर्षहरुमा सार्वजनिक अस्पताल तथा ठूला भवन बनाउँदा बेस आइसोलेसन भन्ने प्रविधि प्रयोग गर्न थालिएको छ, जस अन्तर्गत जगभन्दा माथि रबर बेयरिंगहरु हालेर भूकम्पले हल्लाउँदा सहज हल्लिने तरीका अपनाइन्छ। अझ कतिपय ठूला घरमा ड्याम्परहरुको प्रयोग हुन्छ जसले कम्पनका झट्कालाई नरम बनाइदिन्छ। -
तीन तलाभन्दा अग्लो घर बनाउँदा भवन इञ्जिनियरले बनाएको डिजाइनलाई अर्को भवन इञ्जिनियरबाट समेत समीक्षा गराई स्वीकृत गराउनुपर्ने नियम छ। पछि कुनै खराबी देखिएमा डिजाइनर तथा समीक्षा गर्ने दुवै सजायका भागीदार हुन्छन्। -
राजधानी स्यान्टियागोमा प्रशस्त अग्ला घर छन्। कडा भवन संहिता र तिनको उत्तिकै कडा पालना हुने हुँदा ती घर धेरै हदसम्म भूकम्प प्रतिरोधी छन्। -
पछिल्ला वर्षहरुमा सार्वजनिक अस्पताल तथा ठूला भवन बनाउँदा बेस आइसोलेसन भन्ने प्रविधि प्रयोग गर्न थालिएको छ, जस अन्तर्गत जगभन्दा माथि रबर बेयरिंगहरु हालेर भूकम्पले हल्लाउँदा सहज हल्लिने तरीका अपनाइन्छ। अझ कतिपय ठूला घरमा ड्याम्परहरुको प्रयोग हुन्छ जसले कम्पनका झट्कालाई नरम बनाइदिन्छ। -
तीन तलाभन्दा अग्लो घर बनाउँदा भवन इञ्जिनियरले बनाएको डिजाइनलाई अर्को भवन इञ्जिनियरबाट समेत समीक्षा गराई स्वीकृत गराउनुपर्ने नियम छ। पछि कुनै खराबी देखिएमा डिजाइनर तथा समीक्षा गर्ने दुवै सजायका भागीदार हुन्छन्। -
राजधानी स्यान्टियागोमा प्रशस्त अग्ला घर छन्। कडा भवन संहिता र तिनको उत्तिकै कडा पालना हुने हुँदा ती घर धेरै हदसम्म भूकम्प प्रतिरोधी छन्। -
उत्तर कोरियाद्वारा शक्तिशाली जल क्षेप्यास्त्रको सफल परीक्षण | भिडियो हेर्नको लागि यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस -
North Korea said on Sunday a submarine-launched ballistic missile test it conducted under the supervision of leader Kim Jong Un had been a “great success” that provided “one more means for powerful nuclear attack”. The launch is the latest in a recent string of North Korean demonstrations of military might that began in January with its fourth nuclear test and included the launch of a long-range rocket the next month. The tests have increased tension on the Korean peninsula, angered ally China and triggered new U.N. sanctions. Analysts say the tests could be part of a bid by Kim to bolster his position in the run-up to a rare ruling party congress in May.Concern has been growing that North Korea could soon conduct another nuclear test.North Korea fired the missile from a submarine off its east coast on Saturday and it flew for about 30 km (18 miles), a South Korean Defence Ministry official said late on Saturday. South Korea was trying to determine whether the launch may have been a failure, for unspecified reasons, the official said. The North’s official news agency KCNA said the test-firing was “another great success,” without disclosing the date and place of the launch, which it said was guided by leader Kim. “The successful test-fire would help remarkably bolster the underwater operational capability of the KPA navy, he said, adding that it is now capable of hitting the heads of the South Korean puppet forces and the U.S. imperialists any time as it pleases,” it said, citing Kim. KPA refers to the North’s military. -
मनाङ मर्स्याङ्दी क्लब र त्रिभुवन आर्मी क्लब बीच फाइनल खेल हुदा हुदै खेलाडीहरु बीच मैदानमै यसरि भयो कुटाकुट - रेफ्री हेरेको हेरै भए | सोहि कुटाकुटको भिडियो हेर्नुहोस =>
आर्यन र मरिष्काको लीप किस, ‘रुक रुक’ गीतमा देखियो यस्तो केमेष्ट्री(भिडियो)
The second song of new Nepali movie ‘K ma Timro hainra ra’ which has already shown it’s status through it’s trailer has been released. The song ‘Ruk ruk Oh Samaya’ also seen very capable of competing in the Nepali music industry market. -
अल्र्बट आइन्सटाइनको अनुहार जस्तो केक विश्वमा नै विचित्रको, सेल्फी खिच्नेको घुँइचो (फोटोफिचर )
- See more at:
एजेन्सी । हालै बेलायतमा विश्वकै सबैभन्दा ठूलो केक प्रतियोगीता सम्पन्न भएको छ । भिन्न शैलीको यो प्रतियोगीता देख्ने जो कोही पनि छक्क परेको डेलीमेलले उल्लेख गरेको छ ।
बेलायतको एलिग्जैंड्रा दरबारमा विश्वकै ख्यातीप्राप्त बेर्कसहरुको उपस्थिीतिमा सम्पन्न प्रतियोगीतामा उत्कृष्ठ छान्न आयोजक र जुरीहरुलाई अत्यन्त असहज भएको बताइन्छ । कारण थियो प्रतियोगीतामा बनाइएका सबै केके एक से एक हुनु ।
अन्तत यो प्रतियोगीताको उपाधि ब्रायन टेयलरको पोल्टामा पुगयो । कारण हो उनले बनाएको केक भौतिक शास्त्रका पिता अल्र्बट आइन्सटाइनको अनुहारमा थियो । जसलाई प्रतियोगीतामा देख्नेहरुले औधी रुचाउका थिए ।
अल्र्बट आइन्सटाइनको अनुहारको आकारमा बनाइएको उक्त केक बिक्रिका लागी नभएपनि कैयौँ दर्शकले सेल्फी र तस्विरहरुले धित मारे । प्रतियोगीतामा अल्र्बट आइन्सटाइनका अलावा अन्य विभिन्न शैलीका केकहरु समेत उत्कृष्ठ थिए ।
नयाँ बर्ष २०७३ मा अर्चना को आयो अर्को हट भिडियो
Archana Paneru is the h*ottest topis of the media industry nowadays. She has recently entered in the Nepali media starting from the music video and here is one of the music video of her. She in this song is giving her s*xy and h*ot shots on this video with her h*ot dance moves. There is a roamance done on this song and the seducing part is also kept on this song where the song is also entertaining and fits to the video. Chakra Bam is the co-actor of Archana that is seen on this video and their romance is seen on this song video. -
डाक्टरले नै श्रीमती माथि यस्तो हर्कत गरेपछि चेकप गराउन लिएर आएका श्रीमान नै हेरको हेरै भए | भिडियो
ghghgDOCTOR KO $U! is a Nepali short movie where you can see something that is so uncommon. These days as we hear in the name of treatment many female is being $*xu@lly @bu$ed. In this film too it is something like that about the doctor. -
One of the couples went to the doctor. Wife had the problem on her chest since long day and the husband was so worried and wanted his wife to be well soon so he took her to the doctor. They reach to the place of the doctor than the doctor sees his wife and something wrong goes on her mind and in few minutes he talks to her husband and ask him to go out of the room of the doctor so that he can treat his wife. Husband was so !nnocent and used to love his wife a lot so he leaves the room and waits his wife to be treated outside the doctor’s room.
The doctor inside his room does rom@nce with that women. They both enjoys the moment and after he gets satisfies husband comes to the room and he gets happy that his wife is okay now without knowing what the doctor did with her.
कृषि मन्त्रि हरिप्रसाद पराजुलीले त्यस्तो हर्कत गरेको १वर्ष नपुग्दै अर्का मन्त्रीले सार्वजनिक स्थानमै महिलाको गोप्य अंग छोए… (भिडियोसहित)
ghghgPreviously former Agriculture Minister of Nepal Hari Prasad Parajuli has to face a hu*ge cr!ticism and h@tred after he was found acting very inappropriate to a woman which involves hu^^gg!ng and getting touchy.
The video of him doing so went viral on the internet which made everyone question character of the minister. The thing got so $er!ou$ that he even left his post by the next day.
And yet another neighboring minister has shown a similar behavior and the video is also going v!ral. On Thursday, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Babulal Gaurwas c@ught on camera touching a woman “inappropriately”. The video shows the 85 year old former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister sl@pping the rear of a woman. The former veteran was to flag off a bus in Barkheda Nathu area. And the 85 year old had to say this in his defen$e, ‘I only directed women workers to board the bus quickly as it was meant for them only. There is no truth in the clip as shown. Whatever I am saying is true ‘
सिंहदरवार नजिकै महिलामाथि यसरी खनिए प्रहरी (भिडियो सहित)
Since Sunday (Baisakh 12), it has been a year since 7.3 magnitude e@rt^hqu@ke h!t Nepal having epicenter Gorkha.
Because of the e@rt*hqu@ke many d!e*d, many got !n*jured and many became homeless. But government has still not managed a safe place for those !nj*ured and homeless to live. So, demanding against it, the e@rth*qu@ke victims protested outside Singha Durbar on Sunday.
The e@r*thqu@ke victims were stopped by police near Nepali Oil Corporation when they tried to de$troy a certain place. But at the time, one of the policed in the group charged on a woman. The police charged the lady even though she was saying that she had done nothing wrong. It has not been revealed if the woman is a e@rthqu@ke v!ctim or not.
भूकम्प पीडित सिंहदरवार घेर्न पुगे (भिडियो सहित
काठमाडौं, १२ बैशाख । शक्तिशाली भूकम्प गएको आइतबार वर्ष दिन पूरा भएपनि पीडितहरुको अवस्था भने अझै पनि दयनीय नै छ । भूकम्प गएको वर्ष दिन पुग्दा पनि पीडितहरुको अझै सम्म त्रिपाल र टहरोमा बस्नु पर्ने बाध्यता अन्त्य भएन ।
यसैको विरोध गर्दै तत्काल पुर्निर्माण कार्य गरेर पीडितहरुलाई वर्षा अघि नै सुरक्षित बासको व्यवस्था गर्नु पर्ने पीडितहरुले माग राखेका छन् । पीडितहरु एकत्रित भएर आइतबार मुलुकको प्रमुख प्रशासनिक केन्द्र सिंहदरवार घेर्न पुगेका छन् । तर, प्रहरीले उनीहरुलाई आयल निगमको कार्यालयमै रोकेपछि पीडितहरुले केहीबेर सरकार विरुद्ध नाराबाजी पनि गरे ।
नेपालीकेटी हरुको यो एक फरक सैलिको राय्प RAP गित को युद्ध ( दस लाख भन्दा बढी ले हेरिसकेको ) भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस ( यो भिडियो छुटाउनेको गएन त आदा जिन्दगी खेर ) भिडियो अबस्य पनि हेर्नुहोला==>>>
Nepalese musical instrument has a very strong relationship with Nepalese culture and religion. Nepal has a lot more tunes and rhythms of its own to share with the rest of the world. The musical traditions of Nepal are as diverse as the various ethnic groups of the country. The most complex musical culture in the Himalayas is that of the “Newars“ in the Kathmandu valley and the “Damai” in the other part of Nepal, which in the course of the past 2000 years has absorbed mostly Indian influences in shaping a unique musical tradition. In Nepal music has been flourished by mainly these two groups of people. Newar’s culture flourished during the late Malla dynasty from the 15th century up to the 18th century. The Malla kings of Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur were devoted patrons of the arts and competed with one another in the beautification and cultural achievements of their kingdoms. Many of these Malla kings themselves excelled as musicians, dancers, poets and town planners. The Newars live in a Buddhist-Hindu area where the two religions coexist along with a strong influence of Tantric practices and local traditional cults. In the complex Newar caste system both Hindus and Buddhists have found their place. Many of these castes perform their own characteristic musical repertory and ritual duties during festivals and processions. Newar music and dance are always related to ritual and locality. A portion of Newar music is secretly performed during esoteric rites. Bhaktapur, a Newar farmers’ town at the eastern part of the Kathmandu valley has been able so far to preserve its traditional heritage. In 1989 there were still more than 200 music and dance groups performing regularly. With the influx of tourism and western and far eastern technologies this picture changes rapidly. It is conceivable that these living cultural treasures may vanish within one generation. For the future there needs to be an effective method for the preservation of traditional music and dance. The other group that has historic touch with Nepalese music is “Damai”. From the prospects of indigenous Nepalese rituals, culture and musical anthropology, the linkage of traditional musicians seems to be tied with the invention of “DAMAHA” (a flat drum generally structured by wood or metal and sometime even by roasted soil especially in “TABLA”, another type of flat twin being used in Nepalese music.) In Nepalese society, special group plays musical instruments in ceremonies, occasions, etc. to perform the rituals and tradition. These traditional musicians are known as “DUM” as well as “DAMAI”. The Nepalese cultural way of perceiving things and words and explaining and naming them, the word “Dum” seems to be derived symbolically after the sound of the traditional Nepali musical instrument “DAMAHA” in the sense that if we listen to the beat of the “DAMAHA” the sound produce is more or less like “DUM”. Similarly, the other word “DAMAI” denotes the functional linkage between “DAMAHA” and the person who plays it. T -
यसरि रोनाल्डोलाई स्वारेजले उछिने
ghghgवैशाख १२ – स्पेनिस क्लब बार्सिलोनाका स्ट्राइकर लुइस स्वारेजले रियल मड्रिडका स्ट्राइकर क्रिष्टियानो रोनाल्डोलाई उछिनेका छन् । स्वारेज रोनाल्डोलाई पछि पार्दै यो सिजन ला लिगाको सर्वाधिक गोलकर्तामा पहिलो नम्बरमा उक्लिएका हुन् । ला लिगा अन्तर्गत शनिबार राति स्पोर्टिङ डी गिजोनसँगको खेलमा चार गोल गरेका स्वारेजले यो सिजन ला लिगामा ३४ गोल गरेका छन् । यो दोस्रो स्थानका रोनाल्डाको भन्दा तीन गोल बढी हो । रोनाल्डोले अहिलेसम्म ३१ गोल गरेका छन् । स्वारेजले २१ गोल घरेलु मैदानमा गरेका हुन् भने १३ गोल अरु क्लबको मैदानमा गरेका हुन् । रोनाल्डोले घरेलु मैदानमा २० तथा अरु क्लबको मैदानमा ११ गोल गरेका छन् । स्वारेजले यो सिजन अहिलेसम्म सबै प्रतियोगितामा गरेर ५३ गोल गरेका छन् । रोनाल्डोले यो सिजन अहिलेसम्म सबै प्रतियोगितमा गरी ४७ गोल गरेका छन् ।
अरबियन मुलुकमा राती सुतिरहेको बेला कोठाभित्र यसरि भुत पस्दा के भयो ? हेर्नुहोस CC क्यामेरामा कैद भएको यो रियल भिडियो==>>>>
The world-renowned Stanley Hotel has been the topic of much paranormal debate — inspiring not only numerous tales of ghost sightings, but also one of the greatest horror masterpieces in cinematic history. As of late though, the number of ghost sightings seems to have increased, with latest possible sighting taking place this Friday. A couple was heading back home after a company trip to Estes Park, when they stopped at the Stanley Hotel to snap a few photos. “He’s is a big fan of Ghost Adventures and “The Shining.” We took some pictures and we didn’t realize anything until later last night,” said Meghan Leavy, who was on a company trip for BRM Apps, a Broomfield-based company. Do you see it? It’s peeking through the window on the left, on top of Kyle’s head. Still nothing? The interesting thing about this possible ghost? It’s not there when another photo is taken two minutes later.The photo on the left with Kyle was taken at 3:35 p.m., and the one on the right was taken at 3:37 p.m., according to Leavy. “I had even mentioned to Kyle that I didn’t feel any ghostly vibes at all, it was a great day!” said Leavy. “But I guess maybe something happens when you least expect it.” -
थाहा छ तपाई लाइ ? यस्ता सोचका केटीले तपाईलाई सधै माया गर्छन् ,जानी राखौ - See more at:
हामी सबै सम्बन्धलाई दिर्घायु बनाउन चाहान्छौ । तर कहिले काही सम्बन्धलाई बचाउन चाहदा चाहदै सम्बन्ध बिग्रीएका उदाहरण पनि हामीले देखेका छौ । यदि तपाँई आफ्नो सम्बन्धलाई लामो समयसम्म टिकाउन चाहानुहुन्छ भने आफूलाई बुझ्ने जीवन साथी रोज्नु आवश्यक हुन्छ । देखेको भरमा हामी कसैको पनि बानी व्यवहार थाहा पाउन सक्दैनौ । तपाईले आफूलाई बुझ्ने र माया गर्ने जीवन साथी रोज्नु आवश्यक हुन्छ । त्यसैले थाहा पाउनुहोस् कस्ती केटीले तपाँईलाई सधै माया गर्छिन् त ।
१ जो केटी तपाईलाई बिशेष मान्छीन् र तपाँईलाई पनि उनको साथ हुँदा स्पेशल महशुस हुन्छ । यस्ती केटिसँग तपाँईको जीवन सुखले बित्नेछ ।२- उनले तपाँईको सानो सानो कुरामा ध्यान दिन्छीन् भने उनी तपाईको जीवन साथी बन्नको लागी योग्य छिन् भन्ने सोच्नुहोस् ।
३- यदि उनी तपाँईको रुची र ईच्छाको बारेमा बताउँछीन्, आफ्नो मन पर्ने र नपर्ने कुराहरु पनि सेयर गर्छिन् भने उनी पनि सम्बन्ध अघि बढाउन चाहान्छीन् । यस्ता केटीहरु सँग सम्बन्ध अघि बढाउँदा समस्या हुदैन ।
४- यदि उनी आफ्नो बाल्यकालको कुराहरु तपाईसँग सेयर गर्छीन् वा आफ्नो सपनाको बारेमा कुरा गर्छिन् अनि उनलाई मन पर्ने संसारमा सबैभन्दा प्यारो बस्तु के हो ? यस बिषयमा कुरा गर्छीन् भने पनि उनी तपाईलाई चाहान्छीन् । यस्ता कुरा गर्न थालेपछि सम्झनुहोस् उनी तपाँईलाई जिवनभर कदर गर्नेछिन् ।
५- यदि उनी तपाँई बिना उनलाई एक्लोेपन महशुस गरेको कुरा तपाईलाई भन्छीन् भनेपनि उनी तपाईलाई मनैदेखि चाहान्छीन् । उनका यस्ता कुराहरुबाट के बुझ्नुहोस् भने उ नै तपाईको लागी सहि जीवन साथी हुन सक्छीन् ।
६- आफ्नो भविष्यको बारेमा, बच्चाको बारेमा कुरा गर्न मन पराउँछीन् । तपाँईको घर र कोठा कसरी सजाउने भन्ने सोच्छीन् , तपाँईको जिवनशैली यस्तो होस् भन्ने चाहाना राख्छीन् भने तपाँईको सहि रोजाई हुनेछ यस्तो सोचकी केटि ।
७- तपाँईसँग आफ्नो सुख दुख बाढ्ने, यदि तपाँई अरु केटिसँग बोल्नु भयो भने उनलाई रिस उठ्ने हुन्छ भनेपनि तपाँईले बुझ्नुपर्यो उनी सँग जीवनभर खुसी रहन सक्छु भन्ने । किनकी यस्ता केटीहरु न आफूले अरुलाई नजर लाउँछन् न तपाईले कसैलाई नजर लाएको मन पराउँछन् । श्रोत फोर्सी नेटवर्क बाट
राजसंस्था फर्किने योग छ भन्दै ओजराज लोहनीले गरे यस्तो भबिस्यवाणी के भन्छन् ??? हेर्नुहोस ताजा भिडियो सहित -
Talk with Jyotish Pandit Ojaraj Upadhyaya Lohani, giving lecture about astrology as science. Second earthquake of magnitude 7.3 which hit Nepal yesterday collapses buildings in Kathmandu.Rescue workers were seen dragging bodies from the rubble and TV footage showed chaotic scenes at the site, as people desperately tried to dig through piles of bricks and dust with their bare hands.
Null Jyotish Pandit Ojaraj Upadhyaya Lohani, giving lecture about astrology as science. Second earthquake of magnitude 7.3 which hit Nepal yesterday collapses buildings in Kathmandu.Rescue workers were seen dragging bodies from the rubble and TV footage showed chaotic scenes at the site, as people desperately tried to dig through piles of bricks and dust with their bare hands.
Null Jyotish Pandit Ojaraj Upadhyaya Lohani, giving lecture about astrology as science. Second earthquake of magnitude 7.3 which hit Nepal yesterday collapses buildings in Kathmandu.Rescue workers were seen dragging bodies from the rubble and TV footage showed chaotic scenes at the site, as people desperately tried to dig through piles of bricks and dust with their bare hands.
लौ हेर्नुस लोक दोहोरिमै पार्वती राइको यस्तो हट डान्स | भिडियो हेर्नको लागि यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस -
Chhoto Chhoto Choli” by Dil Kumar BK & Rupa Pakhrin only on Music Nepal .Right for this video is provided by Supa Deurali Music Pvt.Ltd. Chhoto Chhoto Choli Singer – Dil Kumar BK & Rupa Pakhrin Lyrics – Prasant Poudel Music – Yaman Khanal Artist – Shankar B.C/Parbati Rai Director – Shankar B.C A World of Nepali Music & Entertainment Keep Loving Nepali Music and Movies!!!! -
सलाम छ यी नेपाली आमाका सन्तानहरु लाइ आफ्नो ज्यान र आफ्नो घरको कुनै मतलब नगरी यसरि भूकम्पले पुरियकालाइ भग्नावशेष हटाएर जिउदै उद्दार गरे भने भग्नावशेष भित्र पुरियका शव लाइ पनि निकाले , यसै क्रममा उद्दार गर्दा गर्दै १४ जनाले ज्यान गुमाए | हेर्नुहोस एक भिडियो रिपोर्ट =>
The roads leading to the remote mountain villages in Gorkha district were cut off by landslides and soldiers had been working to remove the debris to enable much needed access to thousands of people.So far, only a limited number of helicopters had managed to reach the areas to drop off some aid and airlift the most injured to Gorkha town’s public hospital, where teams of international medical workers were on standby to help.As they landed, the young and old were stretchered off. A baby was carried in the arms of a soldier away from the makeshift helipad and a girl around six years old was carried to a stretcher, followed by an elderly man.
ल हेर्नुस फुटबलमा हानिएका पेनाल्टी जुन हेर्दा पनि हासो लाग्छ (भिडियो सहित) भिडियो हेर्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस
मेरो पनि पोर्न स्टार बन्ने र नांगै फोटो हाल्नु रहर थियो घर का ले दिएनन् तर म छोरिको साथ दिन्छु - सुनिता पनेरु
ike Archana her mom has also started taking off her clothes in photos. Archana and Sunita has also left Hindu religion and have embraced Christianity. Archana has shared photos of her praying Jesus and going to the church. Archana has told that she will be suing Subu Sharma as her fake name in her future videos.
अर्चना पनेरुको भिडियो हेरेर गालि गर्ने लाइ अर्चनाले दिइन यस्तो कडा जवाफ - यो सुने पछि कसले गालि गर्ने आट गर्ला? भिडियो सहित-
ghghgassing your driving test is a rite of passage, and for many young people it’s a hard-won achievement. Saying goodbye to your L-plates is always cause for celebration - but sadly the cost of car insurance for under-21s can quickly crush any new driver’s party spirit.However, there are things you can do to push the cost of a young person’s insurance policy down. Here are our top tips for finding cheaper car cover for under-21s.Choose your car carefully
सरकारद्वारा गरिएको बमबारीमा २७ सर्वसाधारणको मृत्यु
ghghgसिरियामा विद्रोहीहरूको बसोबास भएको इलाकालाई लक्ष्यगरी सरकारद्वारा गरिएको बमबारीमा २७ सर्वसाधारणको मृत्यु भएको समाचार छ । एक मानव अधिकारवादी समूह र स्थानीय स्रोतले सो जानकारी दिएको छ ।
सिरियामा युद्धबिराम सम्झौता भएयताको सबभन्दा ठूलो हिंसा भएको बताइएको छ । यस बमबारीमा परी आलेप्पोमा १२ सर्वसाधारण र विद्रोहीहरूको उत्तरी दमासकसको सहर डुउमा १३ जनाको मृत्यु भएको सिरियन अब्जरभेटरी फर ह्युमन राइट्सले जानकारी दिएको छ ।
त्यसैगरी सरकारी सैनिकद्वारा होम्स् प्रान्तको तालबिस्से गरेको हवाई आक्रमणमा दुई व्यक्तिको मृत्यु भएको छ । यस हिंसाबाट सिरियामा जारी रहेको युद्धबिरामको उलङ्घन भएको अब्जरभेटरीका प्रमुख रामी अब्देल रहमानले बताएका छन् ।
आलेप्पो सहरमा स्थानीय समयाअनुसार शनिबार बिहान १० बजेबाट हवाई आक्रमण सुरु गरिएको बताइएको छ । नागरिक प्रतिरक्षा मन्त्रालयका सदस्यका यस बमबारीमा १२ सर्वसाधारणको मृत्यु भएको बताएका छन् ।
यस हवाई आक्रमणहरूमा कम्तीमा नौ सर्वसाधारण घाइते भएको पनि बताइएको छ । आलेप्पोमा शुक्रबार भएको हवाई आक्रमणमा २५ सर्वसाधारणको मृत्यु हुनुको साथै अन्य ४० जना घाइते भएको एक दिन पछाडी पुनः शनिबार हवाई आक्रमण भएको छ ।
सिरियामा सन् २०११ बाट सुरु भएको द्वन्द्वमा हालसम्म २ लाख ७० हजारभन्दा बढी व्यक्तिको मृत्यु भइसकेको छ ।
त्यसैगरी लाखौँ व्यक्ति घाइते भएका छन् भने, लाखौँ शरणार्थी भई विदेशमा शरण लिन पुगेका छन
सिरियामा युद्धबिराम सम्झौता भएयताको सबभन्दा ठूलो हिंसा भएको बताइएको छ । यस बमबारीमा परी आलेप्पोमा १२ सर्वसाधारण र विद्रोहीहरूको उत्तरी दमासकसको सहर डुउमा १३ जनाको मृत्यु भएको सिरियन अब्जरभेटरी फर ह्युमन राइट्सले जानकारी दिएको छ ।
त्यसैगरी सरकारी सैनिकद्वारा होम्स् प्रान्तको तालबिस्से गरेको हवाई आक्रमणमा दुई व्यक्तिको मृत्यु भएको छ । यस हिंसाबाट सिरियामा जारी रहेको युद्धबिरामको उलङ्घन भएको अब्जरभेटरीका प्रमुख रामी अब्देल रहमानले बताएका छन् ।
आलेप्पो सहरमा स्थानीय समयाअनुसार शनिबार बिहान १० बजेबाट हवाई आक्रमण सुरु गरिएको बताइएको छ । नागरिक प्रतिरक्षा मन्त्रालयका सदस्यका यस बमबारीमा १२ सर्वसाधारणको मृत्यु भएको बताएका छन् ।
यस हवाई आक्रमणहरूमा कम्तीमा नौ सर्वसाधारण घाइते भएको पनि बताइएको छ । आलेप्पोमा शुक्रबार भएको हवाई आक्रमणमा २५ सर्वसाधारणको मृत्यु हुनुको साथै अन्य ४० जना घाइते भएको एक दिन पछाडी पुनः शनिबार हवाई आक्रमण भएको छ ।
सिरियामा सन् २०११ बाट सुरु भएको द्वन्द्वमा हालसम्म २ लाख ७० हजारभन्दा बढी व्यक्तिको मृत्यु भइसकेको छ ।
त्यसैगरी लाखौँ व्यक्ति घाइते भएका छन् भने, लाखौँ शरणार्थी भई विदेशमा शरण लिन पुगेका छन
सरकारद्वारा गरिएको बमबारीमा २७ सर्वसाधारणको मृत्यु
ghghgसिरियामा विद्रोहीहरूको बसोबास भएको इलाकालाई लक्ष्यगरी सरकारद्वारा गरिएको बमबारीमा २७ सर्वसाधारणको मृत्यु भएको समाचार छ । एक मानव अधिकारवादी समूह र स्थानीय स्रोतले सो जानकारी दिएको छ ।
सिरियामा युद्धबिराम सम्झौता भएयताको सबभन्दा ठूलो हिंसा भएको बताइएको छ । यस बमबारीमा परी आलेप्पोमा १२ सर्वसाधारण र विद्रोहीहरूको उत्तरी दमासकसको सहर डुउमा १३ जनाको मृत्यु भएको सिरियन अब्जरभेटरी फर ह्युमन राइट्सले जानकारी दिएको छ ।
त्यसैगरी सरकारी सैनिकद्वारा होम्स् प्रान्तको तालबिस्से गरेको हवाई आक्रमणमा दुई व्यक्तिको मृत्यु भएको छ । यस हिंसाबाट सिरियामा जारी रहेको युद्धबिरामको उलङ्घन भएको अब्जरभेटरीका प्रमुख रामी अब्देल रहमानले बताएका छन् ।
आलेप्पो सहरमा स्थानीय समयाअनुसार शनिबार बिहान १० बजेबाट हवाई आक्रमण सुरु गरिएको बताइएको छ । नागरिक प्रतिरक्षा मन्त्रालयका सदस्यका यस बमबारीमा १२ सर्वसाधारणको मृत्यु भएको बताएका छन् ।
यस हवाई आक्रमणहरूमा कम्तीमा नौ सर्वसाधारण घाइते भएको पनि बताइएको छ । आलेप्पोमा शुक्रबार भएको हवाई आक्रमणमा २५ सर्वसाधारणको मृत्यु हुनुको साथै अन्य ४० जना घाइते भएको एक दिन पछाडी पुनः शनिबार हवाई आक्रमण भएको छ ।
सिरियामा सन् २०११ बाट सुरु भएको द्वन्द्वमा हालसम्म २ लाख ७० हजारभन्दा बढी व्यक्तिको मृत्यु भइसकेको छ ।
त्यसैगरी लाखौँ व्यक्ति घाइते भएका छन् भने, लाखौँ शरणार्थी भई विदेशमा शरण लिन पुगेका छन
सिरियामा युद्धबिराम सम्झौता भएयताको सबभन्दा ठूलो हिंसा भएको बताइएको छ । यस बमबारीमा परी आलेप्पोमा १२ सर्वसाधारण र विद्रोहीहरूको उत्तरी दमासकसको सहर डुउमा १३ जनाको मृत्यु भएको सिरियन अब्जरभेटरी फर ह्युमन राइट्सले जानकारी दिएको छ ।
त्यसैगरी सरकारी सैनिकद्वारा होम्स् प्रान्तको तालबिस्से गरेको हवाई आक्रमणमा दुई व्यक्तिको मृत्यु भएको छ । यस हिंसाबाट सिरियामा जारी रहेको युद्धबिरामको उलङ्घन भएको अब्जरभेटरीका प्रमुख रामी अब्देल रहमानले बताएका छन् ।
आलेप्पो सहरमा स्थानीय समयाअनुसार शनिबार बिहान १० बजेबाट हवाई आक्रमण सुरु गरिएको बताइएको छ । नागरिक प्रतिरक्षा मन्त्रालयका सदस्यका यस बमबारीमा १२ सर्वसाधारणको मृत्यु भएको बताएका छन् ।
यस हवाई आक्रमणहरूमा कम्तीमा नौ सर्वसाधारण घाइते भएको पनि बताइएको छ । आलेप्पोमा शुक्रबार भएको हवाई आक्रमणमा २५ सर्वसाधारणको मृत्यु हुनुको साथै अन्य ४० जना घाइते भएको एक दिन पछाडी पुनः शनिबार हवाई आक्रमण भएको छ ।
सिरियामा सन् २०११ बाट सुरु भएको द्वन्द्वमा हालसम्म २ लाख ७० हजारभन्दा बढी व्यक्तिको मृत्यु भइसकेको छ ।
त्यसैगरी लाखौँ व्यक्ति घाइते भएका छन् भने, लाखौँ शरणार्थी भई विदेशमा शरण लिन पुगेका छन
आज ठिक बैशाख १२ गते , १ बर्ष पछि फर्केर हेर्दा आजको दिन कस्तो थियो ? हेर्नुहोस त्यो कहालीलाग्दो दिनको बारेमा बन्यो यस्तो डकुमेन्ट्री भिडियो सहित
Thousands of people were killed and many of the country’s historic sites were destroyed in the 7.8-magnitude earthquake and a number of aftershocks.At the time, many people affected by the quake got in touch with the BBC via social media, email and WhatsApp. Kashish says his main memory of the immediate aftermath of the quake was the sense of trauma on the street. It seemed people were not able to process what was going on, he says.He wanted to get the word out about what was happening and let his family and friends know he was alive, so he started tweeting.Here are a few photos Kashish took showing Durbar Square in Kathmandu’s old city – before the quake, in the immediate aftermath and from 2016.Unesco has described Durbar Square as the “social, religious and urban focal point” of the Nepalese capital. -
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